Best Online Dating Safety Tips Every Beginner Should Know

Best Online Dating Safety Tips Every Beginner Should Know

Online dating is highly popular nowadays, as adult men and women find dating sites useful for searching for their love partners. Several dating apps are now available that can be downloaded for free on the mobiles of users, to start dating with their chosen partners. However, some unwanted incidents have been reported where men and women were miserably cheated by their online dating partners. Hence, it is best to follow some safety rules while dating online that will protect you from frauds or more dangers.

Here are 11 useful tips to stay safe while dating online:

Choose a trusted dating app

The very first step if you want to try online dating is choosing the best dating site or app. You can do a quick google search to find the top dating apps today. As of 2021, the most popular dating apps are Tinder, Bumble, Match, Hinge. It is important to pick a reputable dating app to avoid scam sites filled with dummy profiles and scammers. People who have used unreliable apps are often being victimized by catfishing, physical abuse, and many other crimes.

Check the background of the person

You should conduct thorough checking of the background of your chosen partner, to make sure he/she is not a fraud. Since the information provided in a dating site profile is not enough to know a person well, you can search his/her name in Google and try to find out his/her social media pages for more valid information. His/her photos provided in the social media accounts will also give you an idea about that person.  Usually, the news feed page of Facebook and Instagram, as well as the postings on Twitter can help you in knowing your dating partner better.

Do not share personal contact details

Generally, dating sites do not reveal the personal contact details of their members even to other members of these sites. Hence, you need to maintain that style and never disclose your home or work address, personal phone number, and email id to your chosen dating partner. You may exchange phone numbers with your partner when you are well acquainted with each other after dating online for a long time. Till then, you need to use the email id provided by your dating site. You may also download the Google Voice app and use the free phone number given there, to ensure your personal safety. If you opt to use any other messaging app, you need to keep your personal information provided there to be in a private mode so that no one else can see it.

Do not reveal too much about personal life

You should not tell all about yourself when you just start dating online with a partner. This person may misuse this information for his/her own benefit and may even try to blackmail you with some disclosed information about your past. Hence, it is best to discuss only your passions or favorite hobbies, as well as general matters while chatting online with your dating partner. You only need to assess the personality of that person through online chats, without giving out too much of yourself to be on the safe side.  You should not accept any link of an app or a website from your partner, where you need to enter your personal details as that can reveal more about you to him/her.

Video call your partner before meeting

The option of video call provided by reputed dating sites is the best way of knowing your dating partner. You can see him/her live on your mobile screen, which reveals his/her facial expressions. You can also use other video calling facilities, like Skype, Google Hangout, and Facebook video calls for contacting your dating partner. In this way, you will be able to know him/her better before meeting in person.  The video calling also rules out the risk of meeting another person and not the one you are dating online. Therefore, all dating sites suggest their members to interact via video call with their chosen partners.

Create your dating profile wisely

Your dating profile should only contain your name, location, and interests, along with a current photo. Your photo should reveal only your face and not any background about your identity. Many people make the mistake of clicking their photos before their expensive cars or their homes, from which others can get a clearer picture of your social and financial status that may not be always safe. You should not upload photos with your family members, friends, or colleagues, which can also give away more information about you than you intend to do at the initial stage of dating. You may also use a pseudo name if you are not comfortable in revealing your true identity to unknown people on a dating site. You only need to share details about your interests, which can be matched to find a suitable online dating partner for you. 

Arrange dating in a crowded place

If you agree on meeting your online dating partner in person, your first dating venue should be a public place with many other people all around. It is not safe to meet a person at his/her home or any other secluded place where there will be hardly anyone else except the two of you. Therefore, it is best to arrange this meeting in a café or restaurant, which is always crowded and located in a busy place. It is wiser for females to keep a friend or family member close by there, to keep an eye on them discreetly without showing themselves.

Do not drink on your first date

You should not take any alcoholic drinks on your first date with a chosen dating partner whom you have met online on a dating site. It can be very risky if you get drunk in his/her presence, letting that person take unfair advantage of you. You also need to be careful about all foods and drinks, making sure these are not spiked with any drug that can make you trapped in a dangerous situation. It is more important for women to remain sober during their dating sessions, to avoid incidents of physical violence by their dating partners.

Carry some defensive tools

It is safe to carry any tool for your defense while meeting your dating partner in person. Since it is not always possible for everyone to have a gun, you may simply carry a pack of pepper spray in your purse. It will give you a sense of security and may even save you if you face a dangerous situation during your dating session. You should also practice using it before stuffing it in your bag so that you do not be at a loss when you really need it.

Travel by public transport

You should travel to and fro your decided dating venue by bus, metro rail, or any other means of public transport that makes you feel comfortable and safe. You can also drive your own car, to keep control of your movements and not be guided by your dating partner. You should not accept a lift from your partner, as that will reveal your residential address to him/her and may encourage him/her stalking you dangerously in the future.

Keep reliable people in the loop

You should inform your immediate family members or close friends about your dating session with a person whom you have met online through a dating site. They should know about the dating venue and time so that they can check on you later and see if you are safe. Hence, they will be able to help you if you are in any danger, by providing your details to the police.

All these above-mentioned tips can ensure your safety while dating online while you enjoy your dating experience online with a selected dating partner.


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