The majority of online dating users might have encountered the word dating id or dateid already. If you landed on this article, you’re probably also looking for answers on whether dating ids are legit or just another form of scam. The most common risks you may get from signing up on fraudulent dating id websites are getting your identity and financial details stolen by hackers. Before you sign up on any dating security ids, we highly advise you to read this article completely first.
Table of Contents
What is a Dating ID
Dating ID is essentially an online identity verification service that is being utilized by dating app users to screen whether their dates are using their real identity or not. Dating IDs started becoming popular in the early 2000s when online dating scams were growing rapidly at an alarming rate.
How about meetup id and hookup id? They are all the same. Don’t be deceived by the different names. We found a dating id promoter that is using these various terms for the id but the signup links all lead to the same dating id registration form. From what we observed, these dating verification id websites are just a bunch of hypocrites copying each other.
Another popular id provider that we’ve discovered is secure casual dating arrangement.
Hookup ID & Meetup ID Websites
Here’s a screen capture from and They’re warning people from hookup id scams, that there’s no such thing exists, but you will find in other parts of their website that they are selling hookup ids. They are even running ads on google search for other kinds of ids like meetup id:

Sample of the ads they are running on google search:

Here’s another snippet from a website that is “reviewing” fake dating verification ids, but at the end of the post, they are linking to a page that sells hookup id.

How does Date IDs work
The process of Dating ID verification is basically requiring users to submit identification documents such as a driver’s license or by uploading a video selfie.
The verification system will then check if the user is using their real name, gender, age, address, and photo.
Once the dating app members pass the authentication process, they will get a verified status badge on their profile.

We are aware that there are a lot of fake dating id websites out there, if you want to get a legitimate id that works on all dating sites, you can request one here: REQUEST FOR A LEGIT DATING ID
Yes, Dating IDs are legit as long as you get your ID from genuine sites as well. What makes it a scam? The interest for Dating Security IDs has been exponentially high in the past years, leading to plentiful scammers creating fake websites to sell fraud IDs.
It is crucial to learn how to determine bogus dating ids to avoid problems like losing your hard-earned money to scammers or getting your name used in illegal activities.
These dating id sites will claim that they are the only official online dating verification on the internet. Sure, but there also are dozens of other websites saying the same thing.
Identifying Fake Dating ID Websites
It’s fairly easy to tell whether a Date ID site is legit or not, here are some pointers to look out for:
- The website only wants you to sign up. The only thing you will see on their website is a sign-up form to get your information. There’s no explanation on how their services work and how do they actually verify the identity of users.
- Unsecure websites. Illegitimate Dating ID sites are using http rather than https which is the safety standard of websites. Not using https on a website makes the information entered by users unsecure – they can be stolen by hackers.
- Poor grammar. Most of these scammers live in countries that don’t mainly speak English, that’s why it’s important also to look out for their grammatical and spelling mistakes. You can spot bad grammars and often misspelled words on 99% of fake dating id websites.
- Super Expensive ID. Scammers will make you pay lucrative amounts for a Dating ID. They will ask you to send payment to someone in India or Bangladesh. Some of them will also ask you to buy prepaid cards and send them the details. If the ID costs more than $50, do not continue.
- Watermarked photos. This is one of the gimmicks that certain dating id websites are using to fool people into believing in their service. Having a check icon on your photo doesn’t mean that you’ve actually gone through identity verification. Anyone who knows basic photo editing can put a watermark of a “verification badge” on their photo and say they are verified.
These phony dating id sites will tell you anything to convince you that their so-called verification ids are for real.
DateID Cost
Real Dating IDs should only cost you less than $50. Scam ones will ask you to pay multiple processes until you end up spending thousands.
Here’s a short video by our friends at Online Investigations AU about these Dating ID scams:
Are Dating IDs accepted in Dating Apps
One of the lies that these online dating identity verification services tell you is that their id is universally accepted on all dating apps. No, they’re not really. Unless you see a dating app that actually advises its users to go and sign up on some dating id websites to verify. There’s not a single dating site that recognizes the validity of dating ids.
Do you Really Need to Get a Date ID
Granted that there are legit and working Dating IDs, it doesn’t matter anyway. The important question is do you really need one? The concept of identity verification for online daters sure is advantageous for everyone. However, you don’t necessarily have to purchase some date security ids to verify yourself or someone’s identity. Aside from paying for something you don’t actually need, you also might just end up falling for scam sites.

The Fake Reviews
These fake dating verification websites will try to fool you by showing you high star reviews from sites like scamdetector, scamadviser, and trustpilot. Don’t get deceived easily, it’s so easy to create multiple accounts and write reviews on these so-called website checkers.

How to DIY Verify your Date for Free
Here are some powerful tips to verify if someone you’re talking to really are who they say they are without paying for verification services. If your date especially those who are asking you to get a date id fails this test, they’re a hundred percent scammers.
- Request for a video chat. This is very basic but the most effective way to see if the dating app member you are talking to is real. If they are coming up with endless reasons why they can’t show their face on camera, that’s obviously a red flag.
- Ask for landmarks in your area. You can easily tell if they really are living around your city if they know what are the famous restaurants, parks, buildings, or camping grounds in your area. You can also ask them something about local actors or athletes.
- Search for their social media profiles. If your date is using a dating app, then it’s hard to believe that they have no Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter accounts. You must also check if their social media account is a real account and not just a dummy one. Their profile should not be created a month ago. See if they have friends, check even the profile of their friends if they are real too. Browse their photos, they should have family members or friends with them and not just selfie pics.
- Meet them in person. One of the reasons why people from dating apps demand you to get a dating certification id is that they are scared to meet with you, you might be a bad guy, you might hurt them, etc. You can simply tell them to meet in a public place on your first date and feel each other out first. Tell them also to bring a friend so they can feel safer. Take pictures and post in on social media so people know who you’re going out with. If they have so many excuses not to meet in person and only want to do text or chat, you should definitely doubt their real motive and identity.
- Use the dating app’s verification features. We run a few dating apps and we personally incorporate identification functions in our apps, as this should be a default functionality on all credible dating apps. You can take advantage of these features in the app itself and not take the risk of using dating id websites which you don’t know what they’re really up to.
Part of the reason why we are making this review is because of the unending number of reports we’re getting on our dating app support team about this issue. We’re getting hundreds of messages every day from users asking us whether this id is legit or do I really need this id, etc.
We believe we can speak on behalf of other dating app developers that these dating id scams are one of the most prominent security problems that we dealing with every day.
Even though there are actually genuine ones, these dating id websites are so clever that most of the time you can’t really tell which one is legit and which one is fake. That’s why as much as possible, we do not recommend using these date verification ids at all. As you’ve read earlier, there are so many ways to do it for FREE.
If you are in real need of a genuine dating ID, REQUEST FOR A DATING ID HERE.

The next time some online dater asks you to get a dating id to verify yourself before you two hook up, you might want to check on that person first. You could be chatting with a bot or a scammer all along promoting a hoax date id. Once they made you sign up and got what they want, guaranteed you will never hear from that person again.
Here is the summary of the key question and answers regarding this topic:
Is there such thing as a Dating ID? Yes, but 99% of them are scam
Are Dating IDs free? No
How much could I get charged on fake verification sites? $150 minimum, could be up to thousands of dollars if don’t catch the scam earlier.
Do I really need to get a Dating ID to prove that I’m real? No
Do I need a dating id website to verify my date’s identity? No
Just after a couple of weeks of posting this article, there already are few people who shared their experiences from dating id scams. Check them out in the comments section below.
There are also a lot of dating id scam stories on Reddit like this one:

Help us Stop this Scam!
Our main goal here at is to stop these verification scams from plaguing dating sites. Share this to other online daters you know! Help us warn other people about these safety date id scams.
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These diy tips to Verify someone is actually an eye opener
yup, this is what you won’t see on fake dating id reviews. they will never tell you that you can actually do an identity verification of your date by yourself. they’re just trying to convince you to buy their id.
this is gold man, thank you! I almost signed up for this dating Id crap
finally an article about this matter that is not promoting bullsht ids. thank you.
Thank you for the review. You get 50 stars out of five! I’ve been going through this thing with these people telling me to get ID verification for so long and it’s really frustrating. Have they had a chance to scam me a lot of money not yet. Because I asked questions I just don’t give in. Thanks for the eye-opening testimony you got a supporter for life thank you!
I’ve been asked a lot by women from dating sites to get a dating id to prove that I;m real, and yup none of em is free. Who know’s if they’re even real
How much does it cost
I am trying to gat a I’d for dating
we don’t sell ids here, and we don’t advise you to buy one. most of these ids are straight-up scams.
I paid around 20$ for one of these dating I’Ds from the website but after I showed my ID to the woman I was talking to, she rejected it and said it was fake. I’m on the process now of refunding my money.
I met her from loveaholics btw
almost fell for this date id scam..Thankfuly I found this article before registering
You just saved me from buying this nonsense casual dating i’d
THeir website sure seems legit but yeah why on earth should I need to purchase an i’d to date someone
I’m so glad I found this. I just joined one of those new dating apps and I keep getting bombarded by girls who say they’re local and say they want to hook up but then when I called them on it they say oh by the way I need your dating ID number.
This is exactly what happened to me. I purchased a secure Dating id from the site but the girl that asked me to get it never showed up.
I tried to signup for a dating id before, htey said its completely free but l found out you will be billed 30 plus dollars monthly
can i use my driving license has proof of who i am,,thank you.
sure you can
Thank you for this
I almost got scammed!
cant believe I fell for this scam. I bought a dating id but as soon as I signed up, the lady who sent me the dating id link stopped texting me. Turned out she’s using a stolen PIC & fake name.
So I had this hooker trying to get me to but an ID and when I seen that it was just a sign up for a dating site for $40 a month after 2 days I told her no then she told me I would have to pay pal her $150 get this form, I was thinking that was a big price jump. So you don’t have one legit website to go to? I would say that they are all scams then.
yes, and there’s a 90% chance that the person who is asking you for an ID is a scammer.
Happened to me once and the girl refused to video call me because “it wasn’t safe” lol
yes i caught up in a scam for one of these I D verification web sites the women i was talking too sent me a link too it had to send them gift cards plus my name and home address to send me a verified so when it was ready they send 700 dollars but they said they would refund all the cost in a check
which i know is a scam the women who i was talking with had sent me a message a couple of months before using a different name saying she lived in the same town so she got a nasty email from me if she could not tell me the truth not to reply back waiting on a reply back to see what see said i did not send the money the web site is daters ID i can’t get much info on it but i think takes you to a dating website to fill out all the info so be careful when somebody ask you sign up to verify who you are before they want to meet up
I’ve been scammed so many times in the last 6 weeks it just makes me feel stupid first it was $50 that knocked down from 150 just so I can pay the manager then I had to send gift cards to another lady 3 $50 cards which I actually fell for some of the other ones oh it’s 150 which I knocked on the 50 but end up in the end spending $300 because she named some places and tell him that she was staying at all I had to do is one more time well one more time was insurance for her insurance for me and then the last hundred was cuz I was late beating around the bush too much and you know what they still keep coming we must have my name out there as a go-to so no it came up to $620 five women and I’m not counting the truth that I stopped I have pictures and a lot of text messages